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Kiyah Wellness

30 Day Challenge - Create Sober Habits


Are you sober curious? If alcohol no longer feels fun, why not take a break and see what benefits show up in your life? This 30 day challenge allows you to set your intention, make the commitment and get the support you need through daily emails from us!


Every day you'll receive a motivational email from us that's equal parts educational and inspirational - exactly what you need to stay on track. What are you waiting for? Let me tell you.. there's never a perfect time and there will always be a birthday or wedding or event. Do it anyway. As soon as you do, your skin will glow, your mind will be clear, your sleep restorative and your digestion happy.


If you'd like more info, connect with us for a free 10 minute call, here.


30 Day Challenge - Create Sober Habits

  • Your program begins and the first email will arrive exactly one day after purchase.

    Please note: The date can not be changed so be READY! 

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