Is food your drug?
If so, it's probably time to stop the love-hate relationship.
Food can be one of our greatest pleasures but it can also rule our life.
Emotional eating is driven by a desire (conscious or unconscious) to soothe or distract ourselves, and it doesn't discriminate. It's a common way we leave our body when things get hard and it usually happens in people who chronically diet or in those dealing with unprocessed or hard-to-face emotions.
While indulging can feel pleasant in the short-term, long term it leads to digestive issues, hormonal imbalance and a skewed relationship with food.
The 'Emotional Eating Package' gives you the insight, tools and support you need to break the cycle and get control over your plate.
Our Emotional Eating PackageÂ
Is for you, if you..
Are bloated, puffy and uncomfortable in your body
Are suffering with digestive issues like bloating, gas and indigestion
Are turning to food after a stressful day
Are the one at the table who seems to keep eating after everyone else has stopped
Are overeating even though you know it’s not good for you, then feel overwhelmed with guilt, shame or self-hate
Binge eat, restrict yourself and binge again
Find your relationship with food and your body stressful
Have no idea what it means to trust your body or listen to it's signals
Have a lot of blame and self-criticism when it comes to food and your eating behaviours
Emotional eating is real, and it’s pervasive.
If you feel like you can't control yourself around food, we've got you.
When We Work Together, You'll:
Identify your triggers
Learn to recognise real hunger
Learn to listen to your fullness signals
Trust yourself around food
Cultivate healthier coping mechanisms
Stop mindless overeating or binges
Ditch food guilt
Address any digestive or hormonal imbalance
Learn unique principles of an intuitive eating
Let’s make YOU a priority in you life.
Your Free Emotional Eating Survival Kit
Stress eating & over-indulging causes digestive issues.
Get on top of it today, for free.
Our Emotional Eating Package Package includes: ​
1 x initial naturopathic consultation (60 minutes)
1 x check-in call (20 minutes)
2 x follow-up online consultations (30 minutes each)
2 x tailored supplements to normalise appetite
(incl. shipping)
Free Emotional Eating Survival Kit
Fasting insulin and blood sugar testing (optional extra)
VALUE $650
PLUS access to the Kiyah Community Facebook Support Group
In our private Facebook support group you can ask us questions anytime. You will see weekly updates, inspiration, challenges, helpful handouts, and more.
You’ll also be able to interact with other women just like you, and support one another.